
Trip in Bangkok (1) I left my heart in ONEDAY Hostel

ONEDAY 真是我最美好的曼谷回憶。其實她也是讓我起心動念要前往曼谷的原因之一。在入住期間雖然發生一些不愉快的插曲,例如網路只能在一樓大廳使用、某天夜裡洗手間的衛生紙全部空了甚至到早上都沒有人補、隔音做得不好夜裡能聽到對面房間大聲談笑⋯⋯但是這些部份卻最終瑕不掩瑜,因為這裡太美了,就像家人吵吵鬧鬧,面對離開的那一刻我非常捨不得!

這裡有全世界的旅人,亞洲和白人大約也佔各半。每個旅人都很隨性在公共區域聊天交換情報,最棒的是他們的餐廳和曼谷知名咖啡廳 Casa Lapin 合作,我每天吃早餐都吃兩個小時超享受!而且整間旅舍太美了,每張照片都像明信片。每個人在每個公共區域都隨性坐著聊天都像坐在電影場景裡一樣。

這間曾經在 tripadvisor 入圍曼谷前十名特色旅店,我比較過目前榜上前二十名,仍覺得以交通方便(ONEDAY距離地鐵站步行五分鐘)和風格、餐點等來說,ONEDAY 仍是我心裡第一。


Really enjoy the days I stay in ONEDAY. When I take the taxi to the airport that day, I start to missing ONEDAY... Although I was shock by the girls keep talking in the room which was opposite to mine lol ! and the toilet paper is running out in the night and till morning still empty !! But I still love ONEDAY so much, they give me a lot of beautiful memory.

The people work there always smile and nice to me, and help me to get a taxi to airport. Even I was complain so much...lol  And Every traveller there was so happy and love to chatting and share . ONEDAY make me feel like a big happy family there!

I have a idea for ONEDAY and wrote a letter to them already .... I suggest them can make a paste wall to let everyone leave their message for making friends. Cause I meet a nice guy there but I didn't ask him any information to stay in contact, haha.  

And the first floor is most famous cafe "Casa Lapin" in Bangkok . I get breakfast every morning there and don't wanna leave... Everywhere is amazing just like a postcard. And everyone chatting everywhere in ONEDAY looks just like in a movie scene :)

ONEDAY has been top 10 in TripAdvisor, but actually they are NO.1 in my heart now. They are near BTS only 5 mins and I LOVE their loft style!!!!! I will be stay there everytime in Bangkok for sure!

I took a LOT of photos and upload to my Facebook. Put some here and u can check it out in my Facebook, there are 84 photos lol .


the kitchen of ONEDAY
I get breakfast in this romantic cafe every morning.

the travelers from the whole world, we chatting here everyday.
kitchen in day time.

my lovely lovely room.....

I take my macbook pro and work here in the night.. with their tea and snacks..

you can choose different style with eggs...


social network 社群


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